3 Distant BodyTalk Sessions


3 Distant BodyTalk Sessions

£195.00 £180.00

Benefits of a distance session

No need to travel – some clients cannot get to the clinic. Also there are some that recovering from illness, so this is ideal for them.

Comfortable for example if you are in bed, too weak to leave the house or have difficulty with mobility

Accessible – you can be anywhere in the world – or even just down the road! I have clients from around the world that I have have only met through doing distant session. This is also a great way work with babies and little children.

Handy if you are ill or in hospital or cannot get to the clinic.

Deeper insights – because of the technique I use (Mindscape) to access the client, I do get a deeper insight into the functioning of the body.

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Benefits of a distance session

No need to travel – some clients cannot get to the clinic. Also there are some that recovering from illness, so this is ideal for them.

Comfortable for example if you are in bed, too weak to leave the house or have difficulty with mobility

Accessible – you can be anywhere in the world – or even just down the road! I have clients from around the world that I have have only met through doing distant session. This is also a great way work with babies and little children.

Handy if you are ill or in hospital or cannot get to the clinic.

Deeper insights – because of the technique I use (Mindscape) to access the client, I do get a deeper insight into the functioning of the body.

What is a distance session like?

We first agree a date/week range for the session, and I will either get you to complete a full intake form, or maybe just ask a few questions on your health state

You do not need to do anything when the session takes place, which is great as it means you can just get on with your day as normal, and still get amazing results. You may feel effects immediately such as feeling more relaxed and calm, or you may not. Either way, BodyTalk at a distance is just as effective and the insights we uncover quite profound!

After the session is complete I will send you an audio about your session. You are welcome to ask any questions or discuss anything that has come up in your report.

Why not take advantage of the 3 distant session offer of £180 instead of £195